Taxes for Non-UK residents who own property in the UK

If you receive rent from a property in the UK and live in Malaysia, you must register for taxes in the UK. However, you may not have to pay a vast amount of UK tax as you will receive credit for the taxes paid in Malaysia.
When you sell a property in the UK, even though you are not resident in the UK, the gains made on the sale of the property will be subject to the capital gains tax. However, there are various ways in which your capital gains tax liability can be reduced.
How we can help
Whether you have a rental income from property in the UK, capital gains to report or any other UK income, we offer free advice via telephone and Zoom. We believe that our clients have the right to knowledge, so we do not charge for the initial consultation.
After the initial consultation, we can help you register with HMRC, prepare your self-assessment tax return and submit them to HMRC on your behalf.
We will act as your tax agents, which means that we will deal with HMRC on your behalf.
We also offer a “use of correspondence address” service.

Since we are based in the UK, we are always up to date with the current tax legislation. We also take part in HMRC’s consultations which helps us stay on top of changes in the tax legislation.
Our tax advisors are qualified and experienced, and along with being professional, we are friendly too.
If you doubt whether you should register to pay taxes in the UK, book a FREE, no-obligation consultation with us by filling in the form below. Alternatively, click on the “BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION” button on top of this page.